Lisa, Adam, Alicia and Lydia in the countryside area behind Halls
Right: Westminster Halls L Block (My room is top right window at the front)
Right: I love the sky! The planes constantly draw criss-cross patterns so sunrise and sunset are stunners!
My new digs mates aka varsity family (aka United Flat Three) consists of Lydia - a hugely bubbly and energetic Greek girl in first year Nutrition (Our baby of the flat), Adam - from everywhere (Kidding, he was born in Hong Kong, but he's British, and sounds a bit Irish to me, and possibly a bit American too...oh and he has lived in China and an Indian country which slips my memory right now). He's a bundle of fun, studying post grad teaching. He's married to Hubey (a chinese girl who lives and is studying in London). Then there's Stu from Bury (Near Manchester) who is in his first year of Theology and Philosophy. One of my first encounters with Stu was him walking out of his room with his arms stacked with microwave hotdogs and pizza - to which I had a good chuckle. He has since been dubbed "God" of Stuism and has been coverted to munching on carrots and celery occasionally. Who next? - Gil (Short for Guillaume - which is French for William). He is the stud of the house, studying his Masters in Hotel Management, he's well suited to what he studies, as he is a chatter box and a half and loves food and appreciates the great outdoors. He loves South Africa - he did a bit of work at Singitha, in Kruger - most of conversations end up being about the bush. Then last, but most definitely far from the least is Al (Alicia) the beauty from Spain. She is full of fun and giggles - we do spans of (Horrific on my part) singing, hand standing, climbing walls and trees and poles, making games and generally playing the fool. She's studying primary level education which I guess is why she's so in touch with her inner child. We're a pretty international bunch, and spending time together comes naturally. We all seem to gravitate to each other and have settled in with such ease - it's as if we've lived together for ages (and that's not just my opinion).